Tuesday, February 1, 2011



As terrorism becomes a way of life in many parts of the world, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the prospect of an attack upon your nation. Preventing terrorism requires an active commitment to your community and the ability to distinguish a real threat from an emotional response without merit

Below, are some pictures of terrorism!

Ways to prevent, some tips to take not of

1) Observe any suspicious activity around chemical, biological or nuclear facilities and report it to the authorities. The Department of Homeland Security suggests that you be vigilant and report anything out of the ordinary to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (see Resources.)

2) Make a note of your surroundings when traveling or shopping in large crowded malls or stores. Figure out where the emergency exits are when you enter. Should you need to exit quickly, you'll be able to get yourself and others safely out of the building.

3) Reject any requests from strangers to carry packages on an airline flight. It's natural to want to be kind and help out but taking packages from strangers is not only dangerous, it's against airline regulations. Notify the authorities immediately if someone makes such a request.

4) Familiarize yourself with emergency first aid equipment and fire extinguishers. Quick thinking and preparation can control the damage from a terroristic act.

5) Call the authorities if you or someone in your office building receives a suspicious letter or parcel. Things to watch for include excessive masking tape or the use of more postage than needed, misspellings, a return address that doesn't match the postmark and wires or foil protruding.

6) Resist racial profiling in your attempt to prevent terrorism. Although it's easy to see someone of a certain race and immediately assume they mean you harm because they look the same as known terrorist groups, it is wrong and counter-productive. Be alert but don't assume someone is a terrorist just because he or she belongs to a specific race.

Read more: How to Prevent Terrorism | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2292342_prevent-terrorism.html#ixzz1Cm4bs4B0


Tips to prevent vandalism


I am CPL Lim , your friendly neighbourhood police. From the data collected by the Bureau, we have found out that there are a lot of vandalism cases happening in the area at VIC STREET. The increasing numbers of vandalism reports was being brought up by the neighbourhood police.

Here are some pictures and evidence that vandalism has been around your area.

Pictures given by one of the residents

JON YEN [Jon77@email.com]
SENT: FRI 20 Oct 2009 12:03PM
TO: You

Last nite was parking car at Blk 10 level 3 multi-storey carpark, and this is what I saw! I cannot believe it, so terrible of people to do such things to another’s car, no respect what so ever. See the pictures I attached? All these cars are sprayed with paint and scratched, my god! Hope you can forward this email to all our neighbours to warn them that vandals are around and making trouble for us!! &*#^$% one!
Hope everyone can be on the lookout for each other and inform suspicious characters in our neighbourhoods. Oh yah, you know that policeman Pete right? Maybe you can check with him on any tips for us when parking our cars?
PS: Check out the crime-prevention posters I snapped last week, you think they work meh?
Jon from Blk 3, Vic Street

Vandalism in your community can be a major problem, and it should be a high concern since it is often the harbinger of more serious crime. But you are not helpless, there are ways to stop vandalism in your neighborhood, here's how.

1) Get to know your neighbors. It is important that you know the people around you and in your community. This makes it much easier to spot someone that doesn't belong and may be there to simply cause problems.

2) Form a community association or neighborhood watch program. You can't fight vandalism on your own, so it is important that you engage your neighbors and others in your community in your battle as well. This not only helps them take a more active interest, but it also provides them with the opportunity to get to know each other.

3) Hold parties and social activities in your neighborhood. Getting to know your neighbors goes beyond knowing their name and face. You should develop a friendship or trust of some type so they know to watch your back while you are watching theirs.

4) Meet new neighbors as they move in. A great way to spot new neighbors is by watching homes that are for sale. Once you see the sign disappear go over and introduce yourself.

5) Talk to your neighbors if you see something suspicious. Even if it is nothing, talking to them allows them to see you are concerned and take an interest, which will encourage them to do the same.

There are other ways that we tried to create awareness. Using traditional media, posters and flyers.

Read more: How to Stop Vandalism in a Neighborhood | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2224384_stop-vandalism-neighborhood.html#ixzz1ClvsoWsw

Any queries: Email->SGPoliceCPLLim@email.com
Tel: 98989898
