Below, are some pictures of terrorism!
1) Observe any suspicious activity around chemical, biological or nuclear facilities and report it to the authorities. The Department of Homeland Security suggests that you be vigilant and report anything out of the ordinary to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (see Resources.)
2) Make a note of your surroundings when traveling or shopping in large crowded malls or stores. Figure out where the emergency exits are when you enter. Should you need to exit quickly, you'll be able to get yourself and others safely out of the building.
3) Reject any requests from strangers to carry packages on an airline flight. It's natural to want to be kind and help out but taking packages from strangers is not only dangerous, it's against airline regulations. Notify the authorities immediately if someone makes such a request.
4) Familiarize yourself with emergency first aid equipment and fire extinguishers. Quick thinking and preparation can control the damage from a terroristic act.
5) Call the authorities if you or someone in your office building receives a suspicious letter or parcel. Things to watch for include excessive masking tape or the use of more postage than needed, misspellings, a return address that doesn't match the postmark and wires or foil protruding.
6) Resist racial profiling in your attempt to prevent terrorism. Although it's easy to see someone of a certain race and immediately assume they mean you harm because they look the same as known terrorist groups, it is wrong and counter-productive. Be alert but don't assume someone is a terrorist just because he or she belongs to a specific race.
Read more: How to Prevent Terrorism | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2292342_prevent-terrorism.html#ixzz1Cm4bs4B0
Labels: Terrorism